Income derived from investing is treated differently than regular business operations. The distinction between the two is that income from investments is considered to be “passive” and is taxed at a higher rate. On top of that, passive income is ineligible for the Small Business Deduction. Examples of passive income include: rent collected from real estate, interest income, royalties, and investment income including dividends and capital gains. With these higher tax rates, the Canada Revenue Agency aims to discourage investors from setting up corporations as a tax shelter, where taxes can be deferred. Instead, they have created an incentive to flow money through the corporation to the investors themselves. The Refundable Dividend Tax On Hand (RDTOH) and the Capital Dividend Account (CDA) are two tax credits that can be taken advantage of when doing so.
Talk to a Skyline advisor today to see how you can benefit from these tax incentives, and to ensure the highest return on your investments.